Emergency Dentist Tacoma

Are you experiencing toothache or pain?
Schedule an immediate visit in order to treat the pain with our Emergency Dentist in Tacoma.
Our office offers emergency dental appointments. If you come in with an oral infection, a severe toothache, or a cracked or broken tooth, we will do everything we can to relieve your pain and fix the problem – we can possibly treat you on the same day you come in!
Kids Emergency Dentist in Tacoma
Here are a few problems that emergency dentists can help with: will need emergency dental care to reverse the symptoms before the nerve dies.
Excessive tooth pain
If your mouth is hurting for an extended period of time, it could be a sign that something is wrong with your gums, teeth, or jaw. If the pain is brief, you can wait it out, however if it continues for over 30 minutes without improving, you should go to a dentist for an emergency appointment.
Severe tooth damage
If one of your teeth gets knocked out of its socket or a large piece of it breaks off, you
Gum or mouth bleeding
If you sustain a blow or bite to your lip that causes bleeding, it may not be a cause for concern if the bleeding stops in a short time. However, if the bleeding does not cease after a few minutes, you should seek help from an emergency dentist to avoid excessive loss of blood.
Abscess or pus drainage
If there is a sudden pus discharge and an observable abscess, then it is a clear indication that your gums are suffering from an infection. An emergency dentist will give you antibiotics to stop the infection from spreading while they determine the source and the appropriate treatment.Do you fall under any of the above categories or feel there is a chance you could be a dental emergency victim in the future? Knowing a dental office that offers emergency services is a good place to start.
Emergency Dentist Near Me
We Have Time for You
There is nothing worse in dentistry than being in tremendous pain from a toothache or having some other dental emergency and not being able to schedule an appointment with your dentist. We do our best to address your emergency in a timely matter to help patients in pain.
Emergency Dental Appointments
To make an emergency appointment, call our office at 253-476-0556 or contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.